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Dave Ressler & Rhonda Webb Make Beckers 67 CAH CEOs to Know 2023
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Becker’s is thrilled to recognize 67 CEOs and top leaders of critical access hospitals from across the U.S. The leaders recognized below successfully navigated their organizations through the COVID-19 pandemic and continue to focus on growing access to care as a valuable community resource.
Dave Ressler. CEO of Aspen (Colo.) Valley Hospital. Mr. Ressler has spent 25 years as a hospital administrator, including 12 of them at Aspen Valley Hospital, where he is now CEO. He has previous experience as chief strategy officer and COO of the 600-plus-bed Tucson (Ariz.) Medical Center. During his tenure at Aspen, Mr. Ressler has worked with numerous rural hospitals to learn more about care and healthcare transformation.
Rhonda P. Webb, MD. CEO and CMO of Pagosa Springs (Colo.) Medical Center. As CEO and CMO of Pagosa Springs Medical Center, Dr. Webb leads operations for the medical center’s hospital, emergency and ambulatory services, and outpatient clinic. The hospital and emergency/ambulance services are the only ones in the county, while the outpatient clinic is the largest in the county. Dr. Webb works closely with the board of directors to create and launch strategies that address the roadblocks faced by rural critical access hospitals. Under her leadership, the hospital has expanded service lines and undergone renovations. Dr. Webb maintains financial stability for the medical center while handling compliance and risk management. As CMO, she ensures the safe delivery of quality medical services.